This image is phenomenal. The woman is carrying the man. To have seen this years ago, it would have caused an upset and shock. It is not seen as feminine for a woman to carry a man. Yet in this picture there is; she is seen as dominant and strong.

This image shows the contrast of work Motion House do. They don’t just perform in theatre spaces, but outside.

This picture is striking!! Look how there bodies intertwine. The use of close contact, however I do notice that her face and body are facing away from him, suggesting she’s not comfortable and wants to get away. On the other hand the male is clinged on her body tight, trying to get as close to her as possible. The head is also in contact with her body, one of the most heaviest and sensitive part of our body, yet he doesn’t care and places his weight on her.
The post is from Zara who is having trouble logging onto her own assessment blog. In the mean time, here is her material on Motionhouse:
Here are some pictures of Motion House Dance Theatre in action.
They are truly awesome; I went to watch them when studying GCSE Dance and never forgot them. The physical images and movements shown are ones that are still clear in my memory traces now, 6/ 7 years later. I remember a sequence they did with white drapes. The set was simple but effective. The stage was bare with a box like pole and white pieces of materials flowing to the floor. The whole section was performed using the drapes as a means of expression of being unable to escape. If a company has the skills and performance to create a response such as mine, then they are justly worth exploring. So check them out! Here is their website…
Above are some pictures of their work and if you get a chance to see them I definitely would. If anyone finds any future performances near by, let us know.
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